Speaker Resource Center
Speaker Resource Center
Speaker Dashboard
IEDM has implemented a Speaker Dashboard to keep all the relevant details and action items in one convenient place. Use of the dashboard is mandatory as it’s the only place to upload your headshot, bio, and presentation video. Accepted speakers will receive an email in September with details on creating the Speaker Dashboard account (Subject line: IEDM 2025 Speaker Dashboard, Action Required.) If you need that information resent, please email iedm-info@ieee.org.
Action Items and Deadlines
September 30
IEEE Copyright form - Log into Mira to complete this form.
November 10
Upload Video Presentation
Upload Headshot and Bio
Last day to reserve a room at the HIlton San Francisco Union Square at the conference rate.
Advance Registration Deadline (rates increase November 11)
All presenters must register to attend IEDM
Student Presenters must use the applicable promo code for complimentary registration (provided in a separate notification)
Refer to your registration email confirmation to obtain a visa letter from the Registration Resource Center
December 15
All presentations will be available OnDemand via the IEDM website
Your paper has been accepted based on several conditions:
All authors must present in-person.
The paper will not be published in its entirety prior to the conference.
You must remain for 10 to 15 minutes after the session to address questions from the audience.
Presentation Resources
Preparing your presentation
Uploading your presentation
Presenting your paper
Thank you for your hard work and contribution to IEDM! In lieu of a lump sum honorarium, Tutorial Speakers will receive the following:
$500 credit towards your room at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Your credit will be coordinated by Conference Management and applied prior to check out.
Complimentary registration includes all tutorials, short courses, and technical sessions. You will receive an email from Conference Management with a promotional code to waive your badge fee.
Tutorial Speaker Action Items
November 10
Last day to reserve a hotel room at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square at the conference rate.
Tutorial Speaker Lunch
The Tutorial Speaker lunch is on Saturday, December 6 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm in Union Square 24.
Attendance is mandatory since your organizer will discuss the flow and structure of the Tutorials.
Please respond with your attendance no later than November 10.
Tutorial Presentation Resources
Refer to information on Preparing your presentation and Presenting your paper
Presentation length is 1 hour and 20 minutes
Tutorials will be recorded live at the conference and available OnDemand starting on December 15. No need to upload an MP4 video of your presentation.
Thank you for your contribution to IEDM! In lieu of a lump sum honorarium, Short Course Speakers will receive the following:
$500 credit towards your room at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Your credit will be coordinated by Conference Management and applied prior to check out.
Complimentary registration includes all tutorials, short courses, and technical sessions. You will receive an email from Conference Management with a promotional code to waive your badge fee.
Short Course Speaker Action Items and Deadlines:
August 19
Presentation title, headshot, speaker bio, and 150 word abstract due to Short Course Chair
October 1
Preliminary presentation slides to Short Course Chairs
October 31
Final presentation slides due to Short Course Chairs
November 10
Last day to reserve a hotel room at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square at the conference rate.
Register for Conference [hyperlink to reg page]
Short Course Speaker Breakfast
The Short Course Speaker Breakfast is on Sunday, December 7 from 7:30am-9:00am in Union Square 24.
Attendance is mandatory since your organizer will discuss the flow and structure of the courses.
Please respond with your attendance no later than November 10.
Short Course Presentation Resources
Refer to information on Preparing your presentation and Presenting your paper
Presentation length is 1 hour and 15 minutes
Short Courses will be recorded live at the conference and available OnDemand starting on December 15. No need to upload an MP4 video of your presentation.
Speakers must bring and upload their presentation (Powerpoint or PDF-Adobe Acrobat) in the IEDM Speaker Ready Room at least one day before their presentation. Alternatively, the speaker-ready room will have QR code available for speakers to upload their slides/presentation.
Speaker Ready Room: Union Square 1, 4th Floor of Tower 3
Saturday, December 6 | 12:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 7 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday, December 8 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 9 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 10 | 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.