Be aware of fraudulent registration companies taking your money! We strongly recommend registering for IEDM via the link on our website. Communications from our official registration partner would be from IEDM Registration.
Fraud Alert- Be Aware!
Attendee List
There are fraudulent groups reaching out via email and phone calls claiming to sell the IEDM attendee list. They often use the show name, show logo or show organizer name in their signature. These companies have no association with our event. We do not rent, share, or sell your email or physical address to any third parties.
The IEDM room block is only available through the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Some conferences are reporting complaints from attendees who booked rooms via a "third party room broker" and ended up at sold out hotels with no reservations and no recourse for room payment. These brokers falsely imply they are affiliated with show management and secure deposits and/or full prepayment fraudulently.
Official IEDM Partners
Hotel: Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Registration & Exhibitor Services: Maritz
General Contractor: Freeman
Online Program and Mobile App: Map Your Show -
Proceedings Download: Mirasmart
PR/Media: BTB Marketing