Satellite Events
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Satellite Events at IEDM 2024
Saturday, December 7
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Union Square 15-16
The Chapters of Electron Devices Society bring together our members at local level to foster professional development, networking and dissemination of latest technical developments. This meeting brings together our volunteer chapter leaders from USA and Canada to share best practices and identify actions for improvement.
Sunday, December 8
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Imperial B
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM | Union Square 15-16
An IBM/GF (current, former, and friends) gathering. Please join us for wine, drinks, and the chance to meet friends old and new. Hosted by Professor Steven Koester (University of Minnesota) and Professor H.-S. Philip Wong (Stanford University).
Monday, December 9
12:00 - 1:30 PM | Franciscan Ballroom
Silvaco Group is excited to host a luncheon event that brings together TCAD users, industry experts and academic leaders for a collaborative discussion on cutting-edge semiconductor technologies.
Attendees will have a unique opportunity to explore innovative techniques in advanced semiconductor design including Atomistic simulation and the latest advancements in TCAD.
The event will feature presentations on semiconductor process and device simulation, AI-driven Fab process optimization, as well as emerging academic research in TCAD and related fields including workforce development.
To learn more and attend this luncheon event please visit https://silvaco.com/iedm-2024-tcad-luncheon-event/
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Union Square 23-24
Please join us at a reception hosted by Berkeley Engineering Dean Tsu-Jae
King Liu to (re)connect with other alumni, students, and faculty at
the IEDM Conference. Refreshments will be provided. -
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Union Square 15-16
A gathering for Stanford University students, faculty, alumni, and friends. Please join us for wine, drinks, and the chance to meet friends old and new. Hosted by Professor H.-S. Philip Wong and Professor Eric Pop. Professor H.-S. Philip Wong and Professor Jim Plummer will be presenting an update on semiconductor research and education at Stanford.
Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday, December 11
12:00 PM | Union Square 15-16
The IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) is pleased to bring you this free event. We have planned an exciting panel discussion about navigating careers and family life!
Graduate students, post-doctoral candidates and young professionals are encouraged to attend. We hope you will join us to gain valuable information and networking opportunities.
Thursday, December 12
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Imperial A/B
With the growing interest and penetration of STT-MRAM in the microelectronics industry, strengthening the relationship between the microelectronics and magnetism communities is essential. To support this, the IEEE Magnetics Society, with sponsorship from Samsung Semiconductor, is organizing the 16th edition of the MRAM Global Innovation Forum. It will take place on December 12, 2024, at the Hilton Union Square.
This one-day event, held the day after IEDM, will feature 10 invited talks from leading experts in MRAM technology and a panel discussion. It provides a unique platform for professionals, researchers, and experts from both communities to collaborate and share knowledge on the development and advancement of MRAM technology.
Program will be announced October 11, 2024.
Registration opens September 16. The event is free and includes a free lunch, but it is limited to 250 participants. Registration will open in September.