Social Media
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IEEE IEDM Social Media
You can now follow the conference on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. IEDM can also be found on Wikipedia.
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as “Tweets”. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the IEDM profile page and delivered to the IEDM subscribers who are known as “followers”. Facebook is also a free social networking website where users create a profile and can add friends, groups and events to share personal and work information, send and receive messages, and notify others about past and future activities.
In addition to conference announcements on registration deadlines, hotel deals and more, the free social networking Web sites will feature highlights of the IEEE IEDM papers that will be presented by researchers from corporations, universities and government labs worldwide. Updated information on panel speakers, special sessions and Short Courses will also be provided.
Please follow IEDM on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to receive announcements about the world’s premier forum for the presentation of applied research in microelectronic, nanoelectronic and bioelectronic devices and processes.